
Here are my translations of the songs by the band BUMP OF CHICKEN, from Japanese to English. I hope this lets more people appreciate the beautiful lyrics of BUMP!
Links to each song can be found in "Albums" and "Singles."
BUMP's official website is http://www.bumpofchicken.com/!
Feel free to contact me at lebarrow@earthlink.net!
Friday, February 15, 2013
BELIEVE English Lyrics Translation
Chama: Ah geez!
Fuji: What's wrong, Andinu?
Chama: Is Hatenachi ever going to bring us the new song!?
Fuji: Ah well, it's true that he did write it but it's a bit like the one from before…
Chama: What about Lesser Panda!?
Masu: So like, when am I gonna get to write a song?
Fuji: Don't call Lesser Lesser Panda.
Chama: But seriously, why isn't Chokio at this important meeting?
Fuji: My phone just rang.
Masu: Mine too.
Fuji: Oh, he's here he's here.
Chama: Hey Chokio, did you bring the song?
Fuji: Andinu is super mad.
Hiro: Huh? What, you guys didn't write it?
Chama: No.
Fuji: Cho hasn't written it yet. Not yet.
Hiro: No seriously, I brought it.
Fuji: What seriously? Cho, show it to us! Let's hear it!
Hiro: It's only two lines though…
Fuji: Two lines!? Well at least let us get a feeling for it, let's hear it.
Hiro: Believe♪ I believe in you♪
Masu: You believe in me♪ Is that the truth?♪
Chama: Is it true?♪ Is it really the truth?
Fuji: Is everything all right?♪
Everyone: Trembling like a chiwawa♪ Shiver, shiver♪ Shiver, shiver♪
Your eyes are like a chiwawa's♪ Teary, teary♪ Teary, teary♪
Chama: So cute, you're so very very cute♪
Everyone: Dream♪ Is that your dream?♪
Hiro: Cream?♪
Everyone: Cream♪Is that cream?♪
Is it a dream?♪ Is it cream?♪
Which is it? What what is that? What what?
What what what what Seven Wonders! Seven Wonders! Seven Wonders! Seven Wonders!
Fuji: You're all right so anshin-shin (don't worry-ry)!♪
Chama: Wait a second! It's not anshin-shin, you don't need the extra shin.
Fuji: That's it!
Chama: That's…
Fuji: That's what I sang just now!
Chama: Write that as "S-I-N."
Fuji: That's what I just sang.
Masu: I sang that.
Fuji: No wait, you didn't sing that just now, I did.
Masu: Well I.. Thought of it.
Chama: If "shin" equals "sin," Equals… Equals… That that "shin"… It could also be the core of a pencil (also pronounced "shin.")
Hiro: Whoa, like a triple meaning!?
Fuji: That's right. It makes the story really deep.
Hiro: A triple meaning… That's like, so us! It's a good term.
Chama: Yeah! Why don't we make our band name Triple Meaning then?
Fuji: You serious? Whoa.
Masu: But triple meaning means like three things. It'd be like I'm not here. It'd be like it's only you three…
Fuji: The missing person doesn't have to be just you though.
Masu: Really?
Chama: Don't say I'm the unincluded one.
Masu: A little bit ago though, I suddenly thought of what our band name should be. From that part where we were saying "Seven Wonders."
Everyone: What?
Masu: W… Wonder Sevens.
Everyone: Laughs
Masu: Or Seven Questions
Hiro: In English isn't that Seven Question?
Masu: Questions!
Fuji: But there's four of us…
Masu: Question… Questions?
Fuji: Question is like… My name (question is "hatena" like in his name, Hatenacchi.)
Hiro: Oh, like Hatenacchi.
Chama: Hatenacchi Seven!
Everyone laughs
Chama: So from now on let's call you Question Seven People.
Fuji: That's… Not me.
Chama: Well then, Lesser Panda can be dismissed!
Fuji: Don't call him Lesser Panda!
Masu: What should we call me?
Fuji: Lesser is…
Masu: If you can't call me Panda then…
Fuji: How many times do I have to say it?
Hiro: Haha, this guy, he's so funny.
Fuji: You definitely can't call him that.
Hiro: But if I definitely do say it, then that means… That means… I don't know.
Chama: Cutie Panda♪
(チャマ) っざもぉ~!
(藤) どうした?アンディーヌ
(チャマ) ハテナッチ、曲書いてきたぁ!?
(藤) いや、だから書いたは書いたけどちょっと前のと被っててさぁ・・
(チャマ) レッサーパンダは!?
(升) 俺が、逆にいつ書けるかって話
(藤) レッサーの事レッサーパンダって呼ぶなよ
(チャマ) 大体なんでチョキオはさぁ、こんな大事な会議にいないんだよ~
(藤) プルルって電話来たよ
(升) 俺にも来たよ
(藤) あ~来た来た
(チャマ) おぉ~チョキオ、曲書いてきたよな?
(藤) アンディーヌ超怒ってんだよ
(ヒロ) え?何お前ら、書いてないの?
(チャマ) 書いてない。
(藤) ちょ、「まだ」ね。まだ、まだ。
(ヒロ) マジかよ、俺書いてきたよ
(藤) マジで!?ちょ見して、聞かして
(ヒロ) 二行しか・・
(藤) 二行!?・・まぁ感じだけでいいから聞かしてよ
(ヒロ) ビリーブ♪ 俺お前、ビリーブ♪
(升) お前俺、ビリーブ♪ それって、トゥルース~♪
(チャマ) トゥルース~なの~か~♪じんじつ~なの~か~♪
(藤) エブリシングがオーライなの~か~♪
(全) チワワのように震えてる♪ ぷるっぷる♪ぷるっぷる♪
チワワのようなその瞳ぃ♪ うるっうる♪ うるっうる♪
(チャマ) かわいいすごくかわいいかわいいな~ぁあ♪
(全) ドリーム~♪ それお前、ドリーム~♪
(ヒロ) クリ~ム~♪
(全) クリーム~♪それって、クリーム~♪
ドリームなのか~♪ クリームなのか~♪
なんなんなんなん七不思議! な~なふしぎ!な~なふしぎ!な~なふしぎ・
(藤) も~う大丈夫だぜ安心しん♪
(チャマ) あ、ちょっと待って!安心しんってあるじゃん、そのもう一つ目の「しん」ってあるじゃん
(藤) それ!
(チャマ) それは、
(藤) 今俺が歌ったそれ!
(チャマ) s i nで、書いて書いて
(藤) 今俺が歌ったその
(升) 今、俺が歌ったこと
(藤) ちょ待て、お前歌ってないじゃん、俺じゃん今の
(升) 俺が、じゃあ・考えたこと
(チャマ) 罪イコールしん で、イコール・・イコールして、その「しん」 ・・鉛筆の芯のことでもある
(ヒロ) いや、それトリプルミーミングじゃね!?
(藤) そうなんだよ。で、それどころかもう話がでっかくなってる一方だよ
(ヒロ) トリプルミーミングってことはさ、・・ちょっと俺らにピッタリじゃん!この言葉
(チャマ) そう!だったらさ、俺らのバンド名さ、トリプルミーミングにしねえ?
(藤) これマジで? やべぇ。
(升) でもトリプルっつったら3つじゃん。そしたら俺がいないってことになっちゃうじゃん。
(藤) いやお前とは限らねぇじゃん、いない人が
(升) ・・そうなの?
(チャマ) アイデアねぇやつ言うなよ
(升) 俺はバンド名は、さっき・・ポンって出てきたじゃん
「な~なふしぎ」 あのくだりから来たよ俺
(全) 何?
(升) ワ・・ワンダーセブンス
(全) (笑)
(升) セブンクエスチョンでもいい
(ヒロ?) 英語的にはセブンクエスチョン?
(藤) 4人なのにセブン・・・
(藤) ハテナって・・俺のことじゃん
(ヒロ) あ、ハテナっちのこと
(チャマ) ハテナッチセブン!
(全) 笑
(チャマ) つかお前さ、そしたらハテナ七人じゃん
(藤) 俺の・・ことじゃん
(チャマ) じゃレッサーパンダの件は、却下で
(藤) レッサーパンダって呼ぶな!
(升) だから言ったべ?
(藤) レッサーの事は
(升) パンダはつけるなって
(藤) 何度も言ったろ?
(ヒロ) な?ほんとにさぁ、面白いよな、コイツ
(藤) ぜってー言うな
(ヒロ) ぜってー言うだろさぁ、意味が・・意味がわかんない
(チャマ) パンダ君♪
This is my favorite hidden track BUMP has made!! It's from their album Orbital Period, and a video (can you call it a music video?) of it is on one of their DVDs. I got the transcription/lyrics from a forum post at http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1214262642. User rxpkj509 says they're not sure they got everything right… I tried to help fix some uncertain parts, but even for a native Japanese speaker at time it's hard to understand what they are saying and who's saying it. Thanks for your hard work transcribing it! But dispite uncertainties, the basic idea is at least captured here. It's a fictional group of friends making a fictional band… Actually, from other hidden songs of theirs I get the feeling BUMP likes to mock themselves. Fujiwara (Fuji) plays Hatenacchi, Chama (Yoshifumi) plays Andinu, Hiro (Hiroaki) plays Chokio AKA Cho, and Masu (Hideo Masu) plays Lesser AKA Lesser Panda (probably better known in English as a Red Panda) AKA Cutie Panda (Panda-kun.) Wow… That's a bit confusing! There's also a lot of word play in this song and I did my best to note it in the translation. You can see the video at the link below! I love the ending. XD Enjoy!
BELIEVE video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYrPPvDsIwo
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